Knowledge about slurry pumps and water pumps

When it comes to slurry transportation, familiarity with pumps and their parts is par for the course. However, it’s also important to understand what goes into each element of slurry transport. So about “What is the difference between a slurry pump and a water pump?”, “What are the types of slurry pumps?” How much do you know?

Slurry pumps versus water pumps

What distinguishes slurry from other fluid types is the presence of a solid — gravel, copper, or sand — within a liquid. Although in many cases, that liquid is water, a slurry may contain solvents, like acids, alcohols, or petroleum. Those non-water components, whether solids or solvents, make slurry pumps necessary.

slurry pump-types

In contrast to water pumps’ narrow and often inexpensive components, large replaceable slurry pump parts are made of sturdy, often specialized materials. These parts allow pumps to move nearly any type of solid within a slurry efficiently and safely. Water pumps, on the other hand, lack the hydraulic capacity to move solid particles and are unable to withstand the particle abrasion and chemical corrosion that slurries can cause.

Follow CNSME®  (a slurry pump supplier from China) to learn more about pumps.

Post time: Jul-14-2024